What is Print Jazz?Print jazz is a trio of talents based in Fredericksburg, Virginia. We create posters, murals, illustrations, greeting cards, logos, and whatever else we're trusted with. See our work here. We're continually inspired by the everyday symphony of shape, color, sound, and texture. Our process maintains an element of improvisation so that even we're surprised by the results.
Want us to create something for you? Please contact Pete with inquiries. |
GrahamFeline understudy. He walks by the studio on his way to use the litter box, and will sometimes linger afterwards to admire the work. (Our work, not his. 💩) He is fond of drooling when being pet. We're still trying to figure out how to work that into a project...
Pete MorelewiczDesigner, printer, and the social media guy. Lover of bad puns and esoteric curling references. He has opposable thumbs, so he's usually the one who responds to inquiries. Email him. Some people have trouble pronouncing his name. It's "PEET".
Emerson (aka Emmy)Vacillating between being sweet and being a jerk, she lends an air of unpredictability to the studio. She's not as cute as Graham, but dang does she have nails. Likes to accidentally (?) walk across posters while they're still drying in order to contribute her paw prints.